2023 Grant Awards
Action for Older Persons $15,000
Funds to support a part-time Coordinator for one year.
Broome County Arts Council $100,000
Going toward the 2024 United Cultural Fund Campaign.
Broome County Arts Council $150,000 (over 3 years)
A three-year special project grant, to go towards Broome County ARTS GUIDE.
Broome County Council of Churches/CHOW up to $10,000
A new CHOW initiative.
Discoveries In Sculpture Inc. $35,000
Toward restoration of front porch of the Randall House, 22 Front Street, Binghamton.
Friends of Broome County Public Library up to $50,000
New and updated Reading Garden with focus on educational, environmental, artistic, and recreational benefits for the surrounding communities.
Literacy Volunteers of Broome & Tioga $5,000
For the strengthening and expansion of digital literacy in Broome County.
Roberson Museum & Science $300,000 (multi-year)
For the Green Infrastructure Innovation. Funds to go toward parking areas & sidewalk improvements.
Salvation Army $5,000
Food stock for daily meals and food distribution in Broome County.
Tri-Cities Opera $61,435
Toward three productions reflecting Stories of Human Experience.
Volunteers of America Upstate/Western New York up to $50,000
For the purchase of an integrated security system for their building at 320 Chenango Street, Binghamton.
Waterman Conservation $150,000 (multi-year)
Capital/Program grant for the improvement & expansion of the IBM Glen parking area and green infrastructure.
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