
The mission of the Stewart W. and Willma C. Hoyt Foundation, Inc.,
created to perpetuate the Hoyts' charitable interest, is to use its
resources to enhance the quality of life of the people of Broome County
primarily through judicious grantmaking.
Catherine A. Schwoeffermann,
Chief Executive Officer
Ginger VanEtten,
Executive Assistant
Jane M. Fett, Finance Manager
Willma Cornell Hoyt’s Broome County roots ran deep. An only child,
she was born in 1888 to a family with a long history in the area. Her
grandfather Cornell had established a successful funeral business, later
continued by her father, first in Port Crane and then in Binghamton. The
family enjoyed the respect of the community in part because of the value
they placed on family, church, friendship, and high standards of
business practice.
In 1907, at age 19, Willma married Stewart, a native of Michigan. The
Hoyts, who were childless, lived with her parents at 70 Front Street for
many years, and the two couples were very close. Both Hoyts were
generous, and throughout the 60 years of their marriage, they followed a
pattern of regular giving to their church and to arts and social service
organizations in the Broome County area.
Two years after Stewart’s death in 1968 at the age of 94, Willma
established the Hoyt Foundation with assets based on their early
investments in IBM. Annual gifts to the community, in accordance with
the Hoyts’ long established interests, were made by a small board
including Willma for the remainder of her life. When she died in 1982,
also at the age of 94, the foundation received its major funding—some $9
million—from her estate.
Although the lives of both Willma and Stewart Hoyt were distinguished
by quiet philanthropy, they would be surprised at the extent to which
their legacy has benefited the community in which they made their home
for so many years. Since 1971, grants to the people of Broome County
from the Hoyt Foundation have totaled over approximately $32.5 million, a remarkable
gift from a couple whose unassuming lives were made extraordinary by
their generosity to others.
Currently, the Hoyt Foundation’s endowment is approximately $23
million. Stewart and Willma Hoyt’s vision and funding, coupled with the
prudent management afforded by a dedicated Board, has created a strong
mechanism to seek solutions to critical issues facing our community.
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A Message from the Chief Executive Officer
There is a time for some things,
And a time for all things;
A time for great things,
And a time for small things.
-- Don Quixote
As Chief Executive Officer of the Stewart W. and Willma C. Hoyt
Foundation, I am honored to play an integral role in Hoyt's stewardship.
I believe that the Hoyt Foundation's responsible management and
thoughtful grant making practices are intimately linked to the
preservation and successful revitalization of Broome County.
Throughout its funding history, Hoyt's grants have had an exponential
impact on the City of Binghamton and Broome County and they continue to
do so today. In most instances, where Hoyt provides support, change
occurs. In each of the fields where it concentrates—arts, humanities,
education, health, and human services—Hoyt can point to myriad examples
of success and transformation. The Foundation has funded large and small
organizations—neighborhood-based and countywide, urban and rural—and all
these grants have made a difference. The programs described in this
report illustrate the kind of growth and achievement that Hoyt funding
stimulates. I am privileged to be a part of these efforts.
In 2024, the Hoyt Foundation awarded approximately $1,077,122 in grants to nonprofit
organizations. As changes and challenges inevitably arise, the Hoyt
Foundation will continue to address critical needs and support community
enrichment. Often, a project needs only a few thousand well-placed
dollars to succeed. In other cases, an organization may require
significant donations from many sources to launch a new program or
construct a building. The Hoyt Foundation provides grants to
organizations that show potential for making a real difference in the
As the following pages illustrate, Hoyt's grants, large and small,
continue to sustain Willma Hoyt's vision. Guided by our mission, the
Hoyt Foundation is committed to "use its resources to enhance the
quality of life of the people of Broome County..." The grants
the Foundation made to the community in 2024 represent a significant
contribution toward that end. This report highlights those grants and
demonstrates that our mission statement guides our grant making
I am grateful to our highly committed Hoyt staff. I salute the community organizations that
labor tirelessly to help make our community a better place. Most
importantly, I appreciate the support of the Hoyt Foundation Board of
Directors, who give so freely of their time and thoughtful deliberation.
I look forward to continuing my work as part of the Stewart W. and
Willma C. Hoyt Foundation's grant making history, and in turn, the
continuing revitalization of this community.
Catherine A. Schwoeffermann,
Chief Executive Officer
Grant Guidelines and Funding Restrictions
Grants are limited to qualified nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3)
designation from the IRS. Organizations must be located in, or directly
serving residents of Broome County, New York.
The Hoyt Foundation focuses broadly in the areas of:
- Arts
- Humanities
- Education
- Health
- Human Services
Organizations may qualify to submit proposals for special projects,
capital needs, or technical assistance. The Foundation is
particularly interested in assisting programs that meet an urgent
community need, that do not unnecessarily duplicate the work of other
organizations, that have explored alternative funding sources, and that
have some reasonable assurance of ongoing support.
Please note the following:
An organization may submit only one proposal during the calendar
If an organization currently has an open or active grant awarded
in a previous grant cycle, it cannot apply, regardless of whether
all grant payments have been made. The determination as to whether a
grant is “open” or “closed” is made by the Hoyt Foundation.
Generally, if an organization received an award in one grant
cycle, it must skip two (2) years (4 grant cycles) before it can
apply again for another project (and the grant for which it
previously received funding must be closed). Example: An agency that
received a grant in Spring 2011 will be ineligible to apply until
Fall 2013, and then only if the Spring 2011 grant is closed as
determined by the Hoyt Foundation.
Organizations may not resubmit a proposal for a project or
program which has been previously declined by the Hoyt Foundation.
The Hoyt Foundation does not make grants to individuals, endowments, or for general operating support.
It does not make grants for economic development projects, nor for repair/ongoing maintenance projects.
It does not make grants to organizations that have so many counterparts that to consider one would open a
floodgate (examples include: individual scout troops, ambulance squads, volunteer fire departments, churches
for capital or historic preservation, schools, PTA’s, chapter
clubs/organizations and health related organizations with local chapters). Other limitations may apply.
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Telephone Calls of inquiry are required to determine eligibility. All potential applicants must have a telephone discussion with the
Chief Executive Officer at least one month prior to the application deadline (that is, the telephone inquiry discussions must occur
before March 1st for spring application deadlines and before August 1st for fall application deadlines). Please direct telephone calls to:
Catherine A. Schwoeffermann,
Chief Executive Officer
(607) 772-0780
If the inquiry meets the Hoyt Foundation’s guidelines and is financially feasible, a second in-person meeting will be scheduled to
discuss specifics, including the grant application process. Please note, an in-person meeting with the Chief Executive Officer
must precede submission of a full grant proposal application to the Hoyt Foundation.
Grants will be considered at the June and December Board Meetings. Paper Application deadline submissions are generally
March 28th and September 3rd. Please note, at this time Spring 2025 Hoyt Funding is otherwise committed.
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Recent Grants
For complete descriptions click on 2024 Grant Awards link.
American Civic Association
Binghamton Philharmonic Orchestra
Broome County Arts Council
Broome County Arts Council
Broome County Humane Society
Endwell Community Chorus
Goodwill Theatre Inc.
Kopernik Observatory & Science Center
LUMA-Arts initiative
Outreach Ministries of the Southern Tier
Phelps Mansion
Southern Tier Zoological Society
Southern Tier Zoological Society
Up to $300,000
Tri Cities Opera
United Way of Broome County
Vestal Historical Society
YMCA of Broome County
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